MotoBag color straps are designed to complement your motorcycle and add extra personality and customization to your motorcycle.
The color straps are available in four colors: Orange, Black, Blue, Yellow and Red.
There are 31 Liter and 38 Liter color strap lengths, please choose the correct length corresponding to your bag size.
Please note!: If you have just ordered your first set of MotoBags please note that your MotoBags will arrive with black straps pre-installed. No need to purchase them separately.
Each set includes two straps for one MotoBag.
Please order one set per MotoBag. So if you have two MotoBags (31L and 38L) order 2 sets of straps. i.e. 1x 31L Blue 1x 38L Blue.
1 set is enough for 1 MotoBag only.
If you wish your MotoBags to have straps in different colors – let's say RED straps on one MotoBag, BLUE on the other ( or RED-BLUE combination on both MotoBags ) – please order 1 x RED and 1 x BLUE.
Doing it "like a Pro":
(1) Choose RED color and Quantity "1" and click "Add to Cart" – you will be redirected to the Shopping Cart.
(2) Return in your browser to the previous page.
(3) Repeat step (1) with the BLUE color.
Voilà !
Free shipping on Color straps when ordering with the MotoBags.
If ordered without MotoBags, you will be sent a payment request for the shipping fee amount ( usually around 10-15 EUR ) payable before shipping.